Just 16 years ago — right about the time I started working for AWAI — hardly anyone was talking about writing for the web…  

But now can you think of any industry that doesn’t have an online presence?  

The truth is, if you want to be a Barefoot Writer, learning to write for the web really isn’t an option anymore. It’s a necessity.  

Plus, there are three big shifts that really excite me about today’s web-writing opportunities…  

It’s Like Offering Water to a Wealthy Parched Person 

First, you don’t have to convince companies of the value of web writing. Even just a few years ago, we had to spend a lot of time teaching companies how important their online copy and content was. 

However, now most companies realize a good online writer is at the center of every successful online marketing effort. Forbes even reported, “If you want to be successful online, the only essential skill is being a good copywriter.”  

And, business owners are desperately looking for quality online writers. Not only because they don’t have the time to learn and do it themselves, but also because so much of their success depends on it. Which brings me to the second big change that’s happened in web writing… 

Spending in this sector is skyrocketing!  

In fact, Statista estimated that online advertising spending was $335 billion in 2020, and it will reach $389 billion in 2021. This upward trend will only continue as more and more companies increase their online presence.

And as if those first two reasons weren’t enough to “sell you” on writing for the web, this last one is my favorite — and is guaranteed to push you over the edge… 

A Revolving Door of Paid Options 

Since companies must continually publish fresh, relevant content to maintain their online presence, there’s plenty of ongoing work for web writers.  

Here at Barefoot Writer, we create a digital magazine issue every month. That’s a lot of writers to hire! Plus, the parent company of Barefoot Writer, American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI), publishes dozens of pages of new content every week.  

And get this: AWAI is considered a “small” company. Just imagine how much web content a mid-size company needs on a regular basis. 

It’s true, the demand for good web writers is bigger than ever before. And, as industry trends show, the demand will continue to grow.  

For a Barefoot Writer, this is the perfect opportunity. With even just a few clients who understand the value of good web copy, you’ll never worry about where your next project is coming from.  

Four-Figure “Quick Wins” 

Writing for the web has a ton of benefits: 

Ongoing demand… great pay… projects suited for all types of writers… a wide variety of clients…  

But — if I had to pick my favorite benefit — it’s the number of short, high-paying projects that can be learned quickly.  

With a little practice, you could complete each of these high-demand projects in as little as a day or two:  

  • Subscription pages ($450 – $4,500)
  • Information pages ($150 – $750)
  • Landing pages ($450 – $1,000)
  • Promotional emails ($250 – $3,500)
  • E-newsletters ($250 – $1,000)
  • Blogs ($50 – $500 per post)

And, that’s just a taste of the web-writing projects available. There are also social media updates… Pay-Per-Click ads… 1-2 minute video scriptsautoresponders… and tons of other short projects that pay really well. 

All you need is a little specialized information to understand how to write for the web. 

Gone are the Days of One-Touch-Connection 

Imagine sitting at home reading an advertisement you received in the mail. This single ad is likely the only interaction you’ll have with that company — unless you take time to do more research on them.  

But it’s different online for several reasons… 

1. Don Draper can’t hang here

Even though the internet is currently full of advertisements and promotions, it wasn’t created to be that way. In fact, the largest and most successful websites are primarily social media sites. The internet belongs to the people, not commercial interests.  

This means customers — or the people reading what you write — are continuously searching for information that answers a question they have, solves a problem, or helps them achieve a goal they’ve set for themselves.  

2. “Researchers” come to you with gifts

In the past, marketers could more easily control their message. Now the internet gives the consumer part of that power. It can be positive — when customers praise a business — or negative. 

Part of writing for the web is highlighting the positives and overcoming any objections related to a product or service. Luckily, because so many customers are vocal online, you can get information directly from your target market that will help you write better copy.

3. They want a hand to hold

The majority of web users know what they’re looking for — whether it’s information, a product, or a service. If they can’t find it right away, they may leave the website — forever!  

You can make a big impact as a web writer by giving visitors what they’re looking for and capturing their attention immediately. You can also provide immediate results for your clients just by guiding visitors through the decision-making process. 

4. You can hit the target within the target 

You can find just about anything online in an instant. For this reason, website visitors are getting very picky about what they’re looking for. They want very specialized and specific information.  

For example, if they’re searching for “beachfront condo rentals in Delray Beach” they likely won’t care about results trying to sell “Orlando Disney Vacations.”  

Luckily, modern technology can tell you exactly what visitors want. That means you can tailor your copy to them for best results.  

On Your Marks, Get Set… 

Earlier I mentioned the number of short, high-paying projects a web writer can do, but you may be wondering, “Where do I start?”  

My recommendation is online sales letters. Why?  

Well, if you know the basics of persuasive writing, you’re already on your way. An online sales letter is similar to a printed sales letter… but the results can be way better…  

You see, when you’re writing to an online audience, you’ll reach a more specific group of people. Online technology now gives us the option to target people who are already looking for what we have to sell.  

This means you’re writing to an audience that’s already interested — and likely to buy.  

Maybe they found your client’s website through a search engine, a friend, or a social media network. Regardless, they’re far more interested than if they’d read a print ad in the mail.  

This makes writing sales letters for the web really exciting — and profitable! How profitable?  

Let’s talk about that…  

Quick Commissions Without Ringing Doorbells 

The pay range for a short web sales letter is often $1,000 to $3,500. Plus, many online sales letter clients offer royalties. This means you get paid upfront AND you get a cut of the sales made with your letter!  

How long does it take to write a sales letter?  

When you’re just getting started, it may take a week or two to write a great sales letter. However, once you have experience, you could knock one out in less than a week!  

See how big this opportunity is?  

Plus, the industry is huge and growing… the list of potential clients is virtually unlimited… there’s very little competition… and, more business moves online every day.  

Companies need — and will continue to need — skilled web writers… so why not be a Barefoot Web Writer?   

The Easiest Way to Showcase Your Superpowers 

The fastest way to get up and running as a web writer is to work with clients who are already hiring web writers. This way, you don’t have to teach them about your value.

Approach potential clients with a few suggestions of how you’ll make them more money and you’ll have a paying project in no time. Here’s how: 

  1. First, locate the website and sales letter of a company you want to work with.
  1. Study their website, product, or service and come up with a new angle on their existing sales letter.
  1. Write a new headline and lead for the existing sales letter.
  1. Pitch it to them.
  1. If they like your idea, often they’ll hire you to write another version of the sales letter. (If they’re not sure or say no, offer to write the sales letter as a test. You’ll get experience and they’ll only pay if your sales letter performs better than theirs. It’s a win-win for everyone!)

Every company with an online presence could make more money by optimizing their efforts. If you show them how to do this, you’ll be their hero (and get paid really well for it).  

Just remember — sales letters are only one way to get started. You can make a very good living writing all kinds of copy for the web.

If short and sweet content is your style, consider writing websites. If you’re interested in engaging and growing an audience, get familiar with creating social media posts. Email newsletters and autoresponders can also be a lot of fun to put together. 

The bottom line is this: No matter what type of writing you’d like to get into, you’re bound to find something you like — that’s also lucrative — by writing for the web. 


Editor’s Note: To learn more about writing for the web — including step-by-step instructions for sales letters — check out Nick Usborne’s Copywriting 2.0, Your Complete Guide To Writing Web Copy that Converts.