Jen Stevens shared two striking points in her Featured Interview in our September 2020 issue… 

For starters, “There is more work than ever, for all kinds of copywriting.” 

And then, “Your work is protected, even in a down economy.”  

So, for this article, I want to expand on her points, so you can take major advantage of these economic twists to make your own writing dreams a reality by strengthening your online copywriting skills. 

Like Fiber for Businesses  

First, let’s address that second point Jen made: Why is a copywriter’s work protected in a down economy? 

As a rule, copywriters are integral to all businesses. Why? Simple: They bring in the paying customers.  

So, when a recession comes a-knocking, copywriters are still in high demand.  

A good copywriter who can write persuasively to a list of potential buyers is the single element most companies need to survive and, ideally, to continue growing their revenue.  

That’s also why good copywriters can command such incredible fees (I’ll show you some in a minute).  

Now, what’s interesting about the far-reaching effects of our current pandemic is that more companies than ever are moving more and more of their marketing efforts to online channels… 

And a lot of them don’t have a clue how to do it effectively. 

Some have a leg up and have started putting content online, but they need help making it resonate with their key prospects. 

Others have been online for years, but now they need to change their messages based on the new state of the world. 

All of these are ideal situations for a copywriter who understands how to write copy and content that converts in the digital world. And that’s why online copywriting is the exploding opportunity I want to share with you today.  

The Money Has to Go Somewhere…

Right now, business owners around the world are desperately looking for high-quality online writers — the very survival of their businesses depends on finding them.  

Which brings me to the second big change that’s happened since the pandemic took effect… 

Spending in this sector is skyrocketing! 

According to a report just last month from eMarketer, global digital ad spending is on track to grow 2.4 percent in 2020. That’s significant, considering other forms of ad spending are declining because of the pandemic.  

Worldwide, that puts us at an estimated $332.84 billion projected in digital ad spending by the end of this year. Projections for further down the line indicate that those spending levels will be increasing, expected to hit $526.17 billion by 2024. 

Online ad spending won’t slow once our world goes back to some kind of normal, either… 

Once those marketing channels are up and running (and effective!) at bringing in new customers and serving current ones, companies will need to continually publish fresh, relevant content to maintain them… which means there’s plenty of ongoing work for online copywriters. 

Buffett Said It Best 

Really, if there were ever a time to take control of your future, it’s right now.  

Never before have we faced more unknowns. Mainstay companies are struggling to survive. Millions of both blue- and white-collar jobs are going to be on the line. Millions of other jobs are already gone. 

And a lot of experts agree… It may get worse. 

But as Warren Buffett once said, “The most important investment you can make is in yourself.” Keep in mind he’s one of the smartest and most successful businessmen of our time. 

And this may be the best advice Mr. Buffett has ever offered.  

Because the folks who won’t suffer a massive financial blow… whose jobs aren’t hanging by a thread based on the stock market or government-imposed restrictions… 

Who, in fact, don’t have to put their trust in any one entity or person to make a great livelihood with plenty of freedom… 

Are copywriters. Especially if they can write for the online world. 

Here’s just a sample of some of the high-demand projects businesses need right now:  

  • subscription pages ($450–$4,500)
  • information pages ($150–$750)
  • landing pages ($450–$1,000)
  • promotional emails ($250–$3,500)
  • e-newsletters ($250–$1,000)
  • blog posts ($50–$500 per post)

And with a background in persuasive writing, plus a little practice, you could complete each of these projects as an online copywriter in as little as a day or two.  

Keep in mind, that’s just the beginning. There are also social media updates… pay-per-click ads… one-to-two-minute video scripts… autoresponder email sequences… and tons of other short projects that pay really well. 

All you need is a little specialized information to apply copywriting knowledge to the online world. 

Connect the Dots to an Online Copywriting Paycheck

The fastest way to get up and running as an online copywriter is to work with clients who are already working with copywriters. That way, you don’t have to educate them about the value of good copy.  

Approach these potential clients with a few suggestions on how your writing can make them more money, and you’ll have a paying project in no time. Here’s how: 

  1. First, locate the website of a company you want to work with.
  1. Study their content, product, or service, and come up with a few suggestions for strengthening their connection with the average website reader. Can you think of some relevant topics for their blog? Is there an email list to opt in to? Do they have a bait piece (special report or free guide)? What about an in-depth backstory on their About Us page? Any links to social media platforms?
  1. Write up suggestions tied to any of those things, including brand-new ideas about things the company isn’t currently doing, along with new spins on content they may already have in place.
  1. Approach the company and pitch it to them. (This is best done by getting in touch with the marketing department and emailing or calling either the creative director or the marketing director.)
  1. If they like your ideas, often they’ll hire you to write one or two of the pieces you suggested, ideally leaving the door open for more projects if you do well on those first ones. (If they’re not sure or say no, offer to write something on spec. You’ll get experience, and they’ll pay only if they decide to run it. It’s a win-win for everyone!)

Of course, you can also approach companies just beginning to get set up online…  

If you’re up to the task, this could mean a consulting fee on top of your writing fees. (As for fees regarding marketing strategy, planning, and consulting from knowledgeable copywriters, you can charge between $100 and $200 per hour!) 

You Steer the Ship from Here

It all comes down to what you feel comfortable offering, and what works with your own schedule and needs. Remember, your project decisions should always come back to your goals as a Barefoot Writer: Will this project help me learn and grow? Will it help me meet my income goals? Will it still allow me the freedom I crave as a freelancer?  

Every company with an online presence could make more money by optimizing their online copywriting efforts. If you show them how to do it, you’ll be their hero (and get paid really well for it).  

The bottom line here is that you can make a very good living writing all kinds of copy for the web, and this is an excellent time to start.  

If short and sweet content is your style, consider writing websites. If you’re interested in engaging and growing an audience, get familiar with creating social media posts or lead-generation campaigns. Emails, newsletters, and autoresponders can also be a lot of fun to put together, as are blog posts and e-newsletters.  

The online copywriting world really is up for the taking right now. The whole game has changed. Just remember — it’s up to you to make it happen.  


Editor’s Note: If you’d like to found out more about becoming an in-demand online copywriter for companies of every size, one of the quickest ways to do that is through the techniques developed and refined by online copywriting expert Nick Usborne in his program Web Copywriting 2.0: Your Complete Guide to Writing Web Copy that Converts. Click here to learn more.