Plenty of working moms will tell you there aren’t enough hours in the day to get things done. But not Michelle Durham, who’s living out her writing dream while running a busy household with three kids. Better yet, she has the freedom to ramp up her earnings and “give herself a raise” whenever she needs it. Read on to learn what else Michelle loves about her idyllic writer’s life.

Why did you choose the life of a Barefoot Writer?

I chose to be a writer because I wanted the freedom to be there for my family and not have to worry about being at a desk all day. I was in sales before and although I learned a lot about marketing I craved freedom to do what I wanted, travel, and spend time with family.

I loved writing stories as a child and was told I should write a novel. I was always under the impression that it was very hard to get published. When I received the letter from AWAI, I was amazed that I could use my writing talents to make money.

About six years ago my daughter was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome and I realized that to get her the education she needed I had to succeed. Writing has been a big blessing because it gives me everything we need and I can do it from anywhere.

I will always be indebted to AWAI for helping me reach success!

What kind of writing services do you offer clients?

Michelle DurhamEmails have been my favorite kind of copy for a while. With emails, I love how you can use short, snappy messages to keep the reader’s attention.

I just started Dan Kennedy’s Certification program and I can’t wait to try and write some sales letters for Info-Marketers. The program has opened up a whole new writing field for me and I’m so excited to jump in.

I offer clients email series for drip campaigns to convert leads who haven’t purchased. I also work with companies who want to introduce new products and services to their existing customers.

What does your daily writing schedule look like?

I have a baby at home, so after I get my older kids off to school and she goes down for a nap, I do most of my writing. I’m the most alert in the morning and I get the best results. After she gets up, I spend the middle of the day doing errands or appointments.

I spend the evenings with my family, and when my kids go to bed I finish whatever tasks I’ve designated for the day. I also contact clients and answer emails. My schedule may be a little crazy but I have time for my family and a career on my own terms. I couldn’t ask for more!

What’s been the most surprising thing about pursuing a paid living through writing?

When I started writing, I heard stories from established writers about how you could take on extra work when you needed to buy something like a new car or do home improvements. I never believed that this really happened until I did it myself. Recently, we needed to improve some parts of our house so I took on some extra work. I don’t know of any other career where you can decide to give yourself a raise whenever you need it.

How are you able to take advantage of life as a Barefoot Writer?

Life as a Barefoot Writer frees me up to do so many different things. I can take a few days to go away or take time off at home to get stuff done. I take a day off here and there to go on educational day trips with my kids and I don’t have to worry about working on any school holidays.

To me, being a writer is all about freedom to do what you want when you want.

Any big goals you’re willing to share?

My big goals for the next few months are to finish and publish some free reports I’ll be offering. I’m also launching a writing business with a friend for another niche market and I want to start doing more work for Info-Marketing clients. I can basically make my writing business into whatever I want it to be and it will be successful.

What’s your advice to someone just starting out?

I would definitely recommend studying Dan Kennedy for a newcomer. He breaks down the information and it’s a great introduction to how to write persuasively. You should also write every day and study other kinds of writing so you understand how to sell through writing.

Most of all, I would say, “Never give up!” Keep writing and perfecting your art and you will be a success.