Q:  I want to start making money right away as a writer. What should I do first?

Katie YeakleA:  (Katie Yeakle) There are several ways to start making money fast as a writer. But to make that experience as easy and enjoyable as possible, here’s what I recommend: 

1. Map out your goals beyond money

Money can be motivating, but it only gets you so far. What are you really after? Do you want to quit your day job? Have more flexibility with your schedule? Supplement a fixed income?

2. Choose a writing industry that has high demand and pays well

Direct-response copywriting would be my first recommendation. Beyond that, look into writing for the Business-to-Business (B2B) market, or online writing.

You can also check out Pam Foster’s free webinar on How to Choose a Copywriting Niche, where she explains the benefits of choosing a niche and how to choose one that’s best for you.

3. Set time constraints

Decide how much you want to make by the end of the year, then break it down month-by-month. (Expect to make less money in the first few months of launching your writing business.) Then, decide how much time each week you can devote to writing. Make yourself a schedule and stick to it.

Use a third of your weekly writing time to study your chosen craft of writing, a third to building your online presence (through LinkedIn and your professional website), and a third of your time reaching out to prospective clients.

4. Start looking for clients!

Some of the best ways to find clients for new writers are through online job boards or through directly approaching clients you’d like to work with.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to increase the chance that you’ll start making money right away as a writer.